Welcome readers...

Blog ini lahir di dunia cyber di awal musim Autumn di negeri 'down under' (a.k.a. Australia) pada tanggal 1 Maret 2012 . Blog ini lahir dari kerinduan hati yang Tuhan kasih ke aku untuk share to others; I am longing to have a life that others could 'taste' from the 'fruit' that I bear (hidup yang dapat dinikmati oleh orang lain, tidak hanya untuk diriku sendiri). I am really hoping and praying that each sharing yang dishare bisa jadi berkat untuk orang-orang yang telah Tuhan tempatkan di sekitarku (di mana pun mereka berada).

At last, I only wanna say that I am blessed to be a blessing...

Thursday, 4 October 2012

10 things before 30

Terinspirasi dari ci Lia and juga karena Marcella's tagging, so here I am sharing what I wish to do or have before turning 30 (masih da kurang lebih 4 tahun lagi sampai di umur ini...>.<) List di bawah ni ga berdasarkan order, tetapi berdasarkan yg muncul di pikiran ja...=p

1. Salvation for my family
aku bener2 rindu agar my family got saved, this is one of the prayer yang aku terus doain everyday...I am longing for that day to come, where me n my BIG family could gather together to share the goodness of God in their life...selama ini kita hanya gather together waktu CNY, tapi this has been my desire di mana aku n my extended family bisa juga kumpul bareng2 waktu Natal, Paskah, kenaikan Tuhan Yesus, etc... aku terus pegang ayat Kisah Para Rasul  (Acts) 16:31

“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.”

Aku percaya one day my faith shall be my eyes...amin

2. Get married n have my own family
Wlopun status saat ni masih single, but I believe God will send me a right man at the right time...sampai saat sekarang ini aku percaya kalau aku dan dia sedang di dalam proses pembentukan sebelum aku dan dia unite together in husband wife relationship...Tuhan masih menulis cerita cinta aku dan dia...

3. Have child/children
tentang yang no 3 ini, it depends on dengan no 2...n aku mention children juga di statement ini karena entah napa aku pengen ja buat anak kembar..kayanya seru gitu...apalagi klo dapet nya ce-co...^^

4. Continue studying
tahun ini harusnya aku akan selesai my Cert 3 in Pastry at TAFE, tapi plan akan lanjut study part time tahun depan ambil combined baking, so hope in few years time (tentunya before 30) aku da slese, plus with my cert 4 in Pastry

5. Be where God wants me to be
sekarang ini aku memang masih ada di benua kangguru, dan aku ga tau di mana Tuhan akan tempatin aku next...mungkin masih di Sydney? atau Melbourne? atau other state? atau back to my hometown, Jakarta? atau another part of Indonesia? atau another side of the world? aku ga tau di mana God akan place me...tp to be honest sampai saat sekarang ini my heart still belongs to my home country, Indonesia...wlopun aku da 8 years away from Indo, tapi cant lie to myself klo this heart still belongs to Indo...but let His will be done in me...

6. Work and gain experience
mau banget kerja di pastry selama aku da di Australia...so far i havent done any jobs yet in this field...may God lead and provide me...

7. Have my own business
I wish aku punya own business in hospitality (ie: cafe, pastry or cake shop)...so far kepikirannya di Indo...not overseas...

8. Wake up early in the morning before the sun is up - be a woman after His own heart
mau banget bisa bangun pagi sebelum matahari terbit, buat sate, to have an intimate time with my God...so far masih jadi wish aja...hixxx please wake me up Lord...

9. Could write blog more often
tahun ni akhirnya terealisasikan blog ku...tapi kayanya I have been slacked, havent been that active in posting, so ya aku berharap bisa lebih banyak lagi post2 di blog ku...share what God has been doing in my life...I am blessed to be a blessing


10. Travelling - quality time with my fam
I love travelling...aku mau jalan2 bareng2 ma my fam, either dalam negeri ataupun luar negeri...so far terakhir kali aku jalan bareng ma mereka itu 3 tahunan lalu klo ga salah...aku mau mereka could enjoy and relax di masa tua mereka, setelah sekian tahun they look after me n my siblings, I really think that it's now our turn to look after them...I also wish I could visit Israel, Europe, and America...

I hope it's not just stay here as my hope or wish or dream only...but, I pray may God bring me through it...amen...

sola gratia,

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